Miss Gretchen
Hello there, I created this site specifically so that you all can get to know me more directly!
Let me know if there’s a certain (not too personal) topic that you want to get to know of about me so that I can add it!
Feel free to explore!
Love you all, and have a great day!

I am, on the internet am Blaire Gretchen.
Please call me Miss Gretchen, but you can also call me by Blaire if you like to keep it short^^
My mascot/persona is Blaire (the girl shown above above).
She represents who I am.
Who I dream to be and who I dream to look like!
Any fan art of her would make my day honestly!
Personal questions:
Bold text= Questions.
Italic text= Answers.
I will not say how old I am, but I can say I am 13+ but not 18+.
Basically, in between 13-18, but if I see that you’re a trustworthy friend, I will most likely trust you with my age.
She/her and you can also call me Miss/Ma’m. (I absolutely love being formal!)
I like to consider myself Saphhic.
I’m still questioning my sexuality since I’m not sure if I even like men irl (I’ve only crushed ), so I’m fine if with the label lesbian, but the term bisexual is kinda more logical I guess.
I am an artist, I draw mostly girls since they’re so fun and lovely to draw, I like to make my art look..victorian-ish or just gothic!
June 9th, and a Gemini.
I have a twin sister whom I’m very close with, a loving father, and a loving mother!
I also have a half brother and a half sister, not very close with them but they're still family to me.
Finally, I have two adorable little chihuahuas, they are my family as well!
I am a catholic/Christian.
My father is a catholic but my mother is a a Christian, idk which one I am but for sure I know I do believe in God and Jesus.
I play tennis, I participate in the USTA tournaments.
I do want to try out volleyball someday though!
Animal or People Person?
Animals, I love animals so much, I wish I could give them all a world where they could be happy!
Night or Day?
Favorite Season?
Absolutely Winter!
I love gothic lolita, and I love to make most of my characters look gothic or at least fashionable!
I want to be the first gothic tennis player (if there even is one) 😌🖤
I dream to be an animator to make my stories come to life, and maybe also a singer so that I can express myself.
I also dream to save all the stray animals in the world, and give them a happy life!!
I hope animals can go to heaven, because I love them so much!
I also dream to be something else, but it’s kinda silly so I rather tell only those who I trust won’t make fun of me.*
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Loves. Hates.
✔︎ [Dresses] ✘ [Pants]
✔︎ [Boots] ✘ [Sandals]
✔︎ [Art] ✘ [Immaturity]
✔︎ [Animals] ✘ [Day/Sun specifically ]
X. Random facts
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❥︎ [I love Starbucks~♥︎]
❥ [I love sweets, especially milk chocolate]
❥︎ [Royale High is my favorite Roblox game]
❥︎ [I dream about Romance everyday!]
❥︎ [I’m not very good with algebra-]
❥︎ [I greatly dislike colored/acrylic/long nails]
❥ [I’m very stylish when it comes to outfits]
❥ [I love the good old days where there were balls and princess outfits!!!]
❥ [I am what’s called a Hopeless Romantic ♥︎]
I really don’t like cursing, I try my best not to curse since it is informal for a lil lady like me.
I really love being a lady who tries her best to spread happiness, I will not tolerate anybody who tries to bring me down with negativity.
I am grateful for the life I have, so do not even think of trying to threaten or make me suicidal, I am happy to be alive.
I can’t wait for the day that I get to accomplish my dreams, if god let’s me of course!
I hope you all achieve your dreams too, even if you think you can’t accomplish it, then I believe in you!
You can accomplish anything if you put your heart into it, I believe in you!
I hope you all have a great day!
My characters.
I am currently still drawing most of them, but here they are!
The site is still being made, so until I finish it, there won’t be a link for now.
For now, why don’t you watch a Halloween music video and help support me!
It was made during Halloween 2020 so it might be a bit, old art style.

Fandoms I am in:
🍓= I love the series so much!
🍭=I like the series a lot
-🍓Monster High
-🍓Sailor Moon
(Currently still into it, and I love it so much aaaaaaa-)
-🍓Puella Magi Magica and Magia Record Side Story.
🍭-Hazbin Hotel
(Since Inside of every demon is a rainbow was first released, basically before it got popular.)
🍓Helluva Boss
🍭Soul Eater:
-🍭Vampire Knight
-🍓Phantom of the Opera
(2 years, I just got back into it last summer)
-🍓Barbie/classic movies
(Since I was a child, which would be like 10 years, and I just got into it again this year).*
-🍭Pandora Hearts
🍓She-Ra :Princess of Power 80s version and I guess 🍭reboot too.
Shows I watched and loved as a kid :
My Little Pony (both 1980s and 2000s”.
Hello Kitty.
Monster High.
She -ra: The Princess of Power (80s, the better one in my heart)
He-Man: And the Masters of the Universe.
Jem and the Holograms.
SpongeBob Squarepants.
Classic Barbie Movies.
Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse.
Disney princesses.
Dora the Explorer.

While these topics do not trigger me, they do in fact give me discomfort.
If you for whatever reason want or need to talk about one of these, then please advise me before you do.
😱=Major discomfort (possible trigger?)
💦Animal Abuse.
💦Any male x Tenko (from Daganronpa) ships.
😱My middle school (7th grade-8th grade) bad or embarrassing memories.
😱Bone breaking/cracking noises or just broken/dislocated bones.
😱-Syringes injected onto somebody and me, I have trypanphobia.
😱Photos of actual deceased bodies, especially when they’ve been waxed.
😱-Throat slices (Killing or slicing somebody by the throat)

Comforts, Kins, and More!
Here I tell you the ships that give me comfort, please do not bash me if you disagree, it’s my comfort.
I will also tell you who I kin, alrighty?
These are my otps, ships that give me extreme comfort!
Comfort ships:
Saiouma/Oumasai/Lie Detector
Kaede x Tenko x Maki x Miu
(Any of those ships)
Sailor Moon/Usagi x Sailor Star Fighter/Seiya.
Sailor Moon/Usagi x Haruka/Sailor Uranus.
Sailor Moon x any Sailor Senshi
Maria Kurenei x Yuki Cross (From Vampire Knight
Alina Gray x Karin Misono (From pmmm)
Madoka x Homura (From pmmm)
Kyoko x Sakura (From pmmm)
Iroha x Yachiyo (From pmmm)
Felicia x Tsuruno (From pmmm)
Sunset Shimmer x Adagio Dazzle
Shiena x OtoyaTakechi (From Akuma no Riddle)
Celestia Ludenberg
Maki Harakawa
Cleo de Nile
Homura Akemi
Sailor Mars (Rei)
Alice from Pandora Hearts
Mikan Tsumuki
Tenko Chabashara
That’s all for now, I might add more in the future.